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GED Assistance
The UUIC provides referrals to established GED programs in the community. Once an eligible participant is enrolled and attending, the UUIC can provide assistance with testing, preparation fees, tutoring, study materials, transportation, and a completion incentive.
Occupational Skills Training
Employment Services
Job Search
WIOA created a national network of federal, state, regional, and local agencies that provide a range of employment, education, training, and related services. Participants will receive referrals to partner agencies that can assist with identified needs.
Youth Program
A person is eligible to receive services under the INA program if that person is:
- A member of a Federally-recognized tribe; or
- An Alaska Native, as defined in WIOA sec. 166(b)(1); or
- A Native Hawaiian, as defined in WIOA sec. 166(b)(3).
The person also must be any one of the following:
- Unemployed; or
- Underemployed; or
- A low-income individual; or
- The recipient of a bona fide lay-off notice which has taken effect in the last 6 months or will take effect in the following 6-month period, who is unlikely to return to a previous industry or occupation, and who is in need of retraining for either employment with another employer or for job retention with the current employer; or
- An individual who is employed, but is determined by the grantee to be in need of employment and training services to obtain or retain employment that allows for self-sufficiency.
- If applicable, male applicants also must register or be registered for the Selective Service.
Getting Started
Follow this link to complete the intake form. Please allow up to 24 business hours for a response.